My Work
Hire Me
I earned my Bachelors in Computer Science at Oklahoma Christian University in the Spring of 2021.
Work With Me
I have worked on honing my programming skills in various languages.
I have used Unix-like OSes for almost 11 years.
Along with standard C.S. courses, my degree focuses on team product development using common 3D design software such as Unreal, Unity, Blender, Maya, and 3ds Max.
Follow Me
Check out the home section of the site to see previous projects, or follow me on twitter, or github.
About Me

I am a programmer with experience in Java, C++, Python dev as well as JS (Node.js), Vue, MySQL web dev.
I LOVE Linux! Especially Arch based distros!
And my Favorite color is blue. Hard to tell, right?
Get in Touch
Edmond, Oklahoma