For the last few sections….I added atmospheric fog and a blue tone to the map in order to give the appearance of an old early-mid morning style seafaring feel. I used as little post processing effects as possible. Then added in a water plane up to the shoreline.
After that i had a ton…..20+ crashes related to direct x11 and my two gpu(s) in my system. I had to reinstall my graphics driver and ue4.21.1 in order to get the editor to work without crashing when selecting a ui menu. This fix only works once and after i close ue4…..i will run into more of these same crashes.
Once i got ue4 working, i started to add moving fog, and tail-pip exhaust.
After that i began to make the light house light to move with blueprints
Finally i created a matinee of the camera moving up to and then around the light house. Performance statistics were views, and the project was completed