
I keep forgetting to use the snipping tool in windows to take screen shots
a cube was made and resized for the hallway, then another for the start of a vent it was chamfered and inset a few times to round edges while keeping a boxy look. a plane was used for the door. floor panels were also planes. medicine box is a spline that has a modifier that projects a editable poly on it. glass was made from the back panel of the box then cut to give a broken appearance.
Wires were made with lines and circles using a loft modifier
Mesh lights were added to make the electrical box and door glow
an emmisive material was used for the grating of the vent to get it to glow

Final render

a few notes: i decided less is more and only use one electrical box, vent, two doors, and one med box. added mesh lights to help light the scene since the walls material’s specular reflection and metalness is high. the floor panels are jagged, didn’t think about smoothing them for the render. the floor reflects all emissive materials and mesh lights in a weird way(circular blob,probably from the specular refelection). the ceiling being torn apart would ruin the lighting in the scene which is already really dark, so I skipped doing that.

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