The ship started as a cube that was resize and extruded into the basic rectangular shape of the backdrops.
The area for the cockpit was extruded from the previous shape and smoothed using modifiers to get a rounded shape and reworked to get the fall off at the front of the glass.
The back where the engine is stored was inset and extruded then the walls were duplicated and smoothed to make a tight frame.
cubes were used for the grill, splines for the pipes, and a cone had slat shape cubes duplicated along its surface.
splines were also used along with a surface modifier to create a triangulare shape for the sail.
moore modifiers wrere used to get a bend
the spline was used for a frame and as part of connectors to a cube that was placed against the body.
splines were used for the wires.
cylinders were deformed to make a pole and base for the mast and the mast was created from a cube.
the bottom mast followed a similar process but hat a joint and bearing mad from spheres
uv’s were unwrapped and had textures projected on to them.
materials were used for basic color of the glass and metal parts